What is Massage Therapy?

A massage therapist is specialized in providing therapeutic massage treatments.
My therapeutic massages not only focus on the tension and relaxation of muscles, but also on mental (re)tension.
My way of massaging is calm, with focus on you. So you can make contact with both your body and your feelings.
During my HBO education, attention was paid to the following subjects: basic medical knowledge, anatomy,various massage forms, communication techniques and therapeutic training.
Holistic vision

I look holistically, that is to say that I see body and mind as a whole that mutually influence each other. For example, consider giving reflexology massage to treat headaches. Or to massage in combination with paying attention to breathing and worrying thoughts, to help your fatigue complaints.
Feeling what is happening in your body is leading, for example whether your muscles are tense or relaxed, what happens in your body with a certain emotion or thought, and how you deal with this.
Massage therapy invites awareness and self-examination.
To feel good

Massage therapy belongs to natural medicine, also referred to as complementary or alternative medicine. This means that it stimulates the body's self-regulating capacity. Massage therapy can help you better interpret your body's signals. If you understand yourself, feel and know what brings you energy, you can literally and figuratively feel good about yourself again.
In my treatments I use different massage forms and techniques such as classic massage, energetic massage, manual lymphatic drainage, connective tissue massage, holistic pulsing, foot reflexology, chakra massage. I combine exactly the treatment(s) that you need at the moment.
Massage therapy can be used at different times. For example, if you have (chronic) complaints, if you are pregnant, if you feel under the weather, or from a desire for personal development and growth.