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Massage for grief and loss 

Massage bij rouw en verlies

Everyone faces loss at some point in their life. Grief for a deceased loved one, loss of work or health, a divorce or the loss of friendships. And when there is a loss, there is mourning. Dealing with grief is different for everyone. There is no defined path.

But grief can always be felt inside your body. For example, sadness which comes in pain around the heart or anger which you may feel in tensed jaws. It may also be that the shock of what happened make your muscles hurt or you feel like you've  completely lost contact with your body.

Feelings inside

Voelbaar in je lijf

And usually we are very capable of dealing with our grief, but sometimes we need a some help. Massage therapy can help you with dealing with your grief and mourning.

  • Do you have physical complaints due to the pain of the loss?

  • Do you have the desire to drown less in your sorrow?

  • Do you notice that you live on autopilot and can no longer control your feelings?

  • Do you want to rediscover your own carrying capacity and resilience?

  • Do you want to think about how you are really doing?

  • Don't want to do it alone?

You are very welcome, I am happy to support you in this.

Support and comfort

Houvast en troost

The therapy is completely tailored to you. I work with massage, body-oriented exercises and education on mourning. We will look into different ways of releasing the tension in your body and ease the grief.


Massage helps you reflect on your body, to feel if your muscles - and you - are tense or relaxed. Perhaps you are afraid of being overwhelmed by emotions, or do you feel nothing at all?


Massage therapy helps to find something to hold on to during a period of recent loss, but also it the loss was many years ago.

I am a member of the "Netwerk Rouwen met Compassie", this is a nationwide network of certified body-oriented grief counselors.


Yvonne Brekelmans

My name is Yvonne Brekelmans. Massaging and passing on knowledge is my passion. After my HBO training as a Massage Therapist, I followed various further training courses, including massage for cancer and massage for grief and loss. As a volunteer I am affiliated with the Inloophuis Midden-Brabant for people with cancer. 


I am a member of the Netwerk Rouwen met Compassie, this is a nationwide  network of certified body-oriented grief counselors.

I look forward to meeting you in my practice!

Yvonne Brekelmans
ErZijn Massage & Therapy

Landleven 204
5658 HZ  Eindhoven
phone: 06 - 13 02 11 58

Rate : 60 minutes: € 80.00

If you have additional healthcare insurance, (partial) reimbursement is possible.

“You are so wonderfully calm and stable, that gave me confidence to feel on a deeper level.”



What I experience with you is that you are very pure. Especially with trauma processing, that is very important and you can do that. Along the way in massaging you keep filtering out and I find that so pure ..... down to the smallest capillaries, it almost has something magical.


The massage  put me in touch with my grief, but despite the tears it brought me a lot. A feeling of 'loosening up', lighter. 


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